The Beer Board regulates the sale, storage for sale, distribution for sale, and beer production in the Town.
The Beer Board comprised the City of Friendsville Board of Commissioners and the Mayor.
The Board meets when circumstances arise or make a request to consider action. Meetings are open to the public. Board Meetings occur in the City Hall Building, 213 W. College Ave, Friendsville, TN 37737.
If you wish to apply for a Friendsville Beer/Liquor Permit, please download the appropriate documents below regarding your situation.
BUSINESSES: If you are opening a new business or there is a change in name or ownership to a current business, EVERY individual who owns a five percent or greater interest in said business needs to complete the “Application Form.” An accompanying “Information Form for Businesses” highlights the application process and explains what must accompany the application before submission. The “Information Form” MUST be signed and turned in with the application.
SPECIAL EVENTS: If you are planning a Special Event where you wish to sell beer, please complete the “Application Form” and the “Information Form for Special Events,” highlighting the application process. The information form must be signed and turned in with the application.
ALL APPLICANTS need to review the “City Code” document that pertains to alcoholic beverages.
The Friendsville Beverage Board only when a Beer/Liquor application has been submitted. The deadline to submit an application is two weeks prior to the meeting you wish to attend. Once applied, the Board will meet on the first Thursday of the month. If you have additional questions, please contact Office Coordinator II, Janet Ledbetter at 865-995-2831 ext.102.
Friendsville Beer Code Ordinance
Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission - Licensing Information
Contact Info
Phone: (865) 995-2831
Beer Board
213 W. College Ave
Friendsville, TN 37737
See map: Google Maps
Meetings - When: As Needed
Meetings - Where: City Hall
Name | Title |
Steven Cardwell | Mayor |
Sandra Bell | Vice-Mayor |
Margaret Maze | Commissioner |
Jonathan Newberry | Commissioner |
Shane Rogers | Commissioner |